JANUARY 29 & 30, 2025 (Weds & Thurs) TIME: 9:00am Each Day
Preview: Tues, Jan 28 from 1-4pm
Over 3,000 items from several private collections will be sold at the Mike Clum Inc Auction Gallery located at 7795 US Hwy 22, Rushville, OH 43150.
WEDS. SESSION: Over 250 PCS ART POTTERY - Weller, Roseville, Hull Art, Rookwood & Watt to partially incld rare Roseville Azta jard & ped in rare Wedgewood blue, ca 1904 (jard as is); pr Roseville black Burmese RV bookends; 125 ROSEVILLE POTTERY pcs (Apple Blossom, Bittersweet, Bleeding Heart, Bushberry, Carnelian, Clemana, Clematis, Columbine, Cosmos, Dalrose, Dawn, Florentine, Foxglove, Freesia, Gardenia, Iris, Ixia, Jonquil, Magnolia, Moss, Peony, Poppy, Rozane, Snowberry, Teasel, Tuscany, Water Lily, White Rose, Woodrose, Zephyr Lily); 37 WELLER POTTERY pcs (brown glaze, Claywood, Dalrose, Dickensware, Florara, Hanging rose, Hudson, Louwelsa, Malverne, Pumila, Roma, Warwick, Wild Rose, Woodcraft, Woodrose); 74 HULL ART POTTERY pcs (Bowknot, Dbl Rose, Hull Serenade, Iris, Magnolia; Parchment & Pine, Tokay, Tulip, Tuscany, Water lily, Wild flower, Woodland) - DETAILED LIST AVAILABLE ON OUR WEBSITE; pink/green mottled umbrella jar 24”; lg floor vase w/grapevine 17”; aqua Ransbottom floor vase/ewer 21”; 13” Rookwood lamp base vase 1950; collection 33 mottled glaze pottery pig banks in many colors & forms w/rare examples; 14 pcs Watt Pottery incld (12 pitchers incld #62 rooster & 2 mugs); COOKIE JARS: Regal cat w/gold trim; Amer Bisque Fred w/Dino lid; McCoy teepee; 2 Regal LRRH w/poinsettia décor; RRP Dutch boy; McCoy Indian; Brush LRRH; Great Northern Dutch girl & boy; plus more; 11 pcs Nicodemus pottery (lg robin, sm yellow bird, pin dish, 8 flat ornaments); GLASS & CHINA: FENTON GLASS COLL. to incld over 200 pcs satin custard glass in many various patterns incld 70 pcs w/Coralene floral decoration - all artist signed (2 elec lamps w/shades, vases, bells, pitchers, candy dishes, 2 pc hurricane hndld candle lamp, baskets, fairy lamps, etc) & 130 pcs of plain satin custard glass (3 elec lamps w/shades, baskets, fruit & flower bowls, vases, covd candy dishes, fairy lamps, bells, compotes, rose bowls, etc); 14 pcs Sea Mist green w/8 pcs floral décor/artist sgnd (baskets, fairy lamps, bells, ewers, etc); 28 other Fenton pcs in various colors & forms (water pitchers, baskets, vases, cran/opal syrups, etc); many milk gls hob pcs; lavender/opaque elec lamp w/roses; ART & COLORED GLS: blue/opal swirl water pitcher; 6” cased rainbow vase; 6 Phoenix floral vases; blue/opal coin spot water pitcher; asstd Vict colored gls; blue apothecary jar; 6 Greentown serenade mugs (3 Nile green, 2 blue, green); Klondike sq covd butter; 12 Mary Gregory pcs in cran & cobalt blue incld decanters, barber bottle, vases, lidded candy dish; OTHER GLASSWARE: Over 200 pcs EAPG in various patterns & forms to partially incld 4 Classic covd pcs (2 compotes, covd butter & sugar); colored & clear tumblers/mugs; clear goblets; flint tumblers; 3 flint Lyre covd butters; other flint gls incld covd pcs; 4 ruby stain Nail pcs; 13 other ruby stain pcs; sev water pitchers; covd & open compotes; cake stands; table pcs; 8 syrups; sev cruets; lg coll of 70 old colored & clear gls car vases (carnival gls, blue, green, clear, etc); ruby gls coll in various patterns/forms; 11 store jars incld peanut, candy, etc; 19 Northwood Custard pcs (3 maple leaf pcs incld covd butter, Louis XV pcs incld covd butter, covd sugar, creamer, spooner, chrys sprig pcs incld covd sugar, creamer, spooner, cruet w/stopper, etc); 7 amber stain pcs incld hobnail; coll 41 colored & art gls perfume/cologne bottles; 79 pcs old Jadite gls (coffee mugs, egg cups, plates, bowls, hndld soups, many Fire king pcs, etc); 70 pcs Fostoria Amer gls in many forms; candlewick pcs; old Anchor Hocking Fire King gls; elegant glass to incld 19 pr candle sticks; fruit/console bowls; contemp gls; 30 lg blown glass flowers in asstd colors & forms; 2 Erickson ashtrays; 7 pc deep cranbry w/silver resist overlay wine set w/courting scene; 86 pcs Carnival glass to incld Dugan peach opal flowers & frames bowl; Northwood wreath of cherries ftd ameth bowl; lg marigold peacock at urn bowl; 3 lg ameth pulled vases; mari ftd butterfly & berry fruit bowl; mari cuspidor vase; other Northwd Fenton pcs; sm ftd mari swimming fish dish; other peacock & fruit pcs; jelly compotes; hndld dishes; plus much more in asstd colors (mari, green, ameth, blue); 8 sets of dk Carnival gls 7 pc water sets by Imperial & Westmoreland; CHINA & PORCELAIN: 2 Bavarian drsr sets; 125 pcs tealeaf incld serving pcs (covd tureens, butters, pitchers, teapots, platters, cups, plates, etc); 20 pcs FLOW BLUE incld early 5 pc Hong Kong tea set, plates, tureens, etc; COLL of contemp to old oriental china chargers, serving pcs, vases, etc; coll Regal China (6 lg & 6 med sz lidded barrel canisters “Chips, Popcorn, Pretzels, Tidbit, Peanuts, Sugar, Cereal, Flour, etc”, 2 lamb S&P, 7 barrel spice jars, 2 hen & rooster cream/sugar, plus other pcs); 3 Staffordshire trinket bxs; coll 48 Goebel birds; 7 pc hp ftd Germany punchbowl set; 2 RSP 13 pc choc sets; 13 pc RSG choc set; 9 pc Bav hp grapes/leaves fruit juice set; sev deep RSP molded floral fruit bowls; other RSP pcs; over 20 Nippon pcs incld lg hndld vases, sailboat scene pitcher, 2 lidded scenic humidors, 9” Moriaga hndld urn, lg hp floral 12” choc pot, hp nautical pcs, 10” shepherd scenic plate, etc; Fraunfelter oval covd casserole; 9” ftd fruit bowl sgnd Pickard Limoges; 8” Belleek owl figural vase; 4 Ger hp cracker jars; 21 pc Gaudy ironstone tea set w/oriental scene; 99 pc Blue Willow dinnerware w/serv pcs; over 90 LAMPS to incld oil & electric types to partially incld Vict 3 part banquet type w/woman; pr cherub candelabra; GWTW’s; banquet types; table types; etc.
THURS. SESSION: EARLY & COUNTRY FURNITURE: Ohio cherry crnr cpbd w/16 pane (8&8) upper doors, 1dwr, 2 lower blind doors, & nicely shaped apron, ca 1830 – 81”h; Ohio Sheraton cherry 7 dwr bonnet chest, ca 1830; nice Ohio walnut dry sink w/well above 2 dwrs, above 2 doors, ca 1840; sm Ohio 2 pc cherry secretary w/gls upper doors, slant lid base concealing cubby holes & hinged lift lid interior; 2 dwr walnut Ohio Sheraton night stand; Ohio Hepp cherry 1 dwr farm table w/lift off 3 board top – 45”l, 34”w, 29”h; poplar Ohio Sheraton 1 dwr farm table; pr Ohio Sheraton cherry 2 part banquet tables, ca 1830 – 78”l, 43”w, 29”h; Ohio walnut 2 pc stepbk cpbd w/16 pane upper doors (8&8), pie shelf, bracket ft base w/2 blind doors, ca 1825 – 87”h; Ohio pine lift lid commode w/dvtld side dwr above 2 lower paneled doors, & half columns; early 8’ Ohio Sheraton tall work table w/2 board top, ca 1840 – 29”w, 34”h; set 6 Ohio half arrow back chairs in old dry surface from Wayne Co Ohio, Kilbuck area; several early blanket chests (Ohio dvtld w/turned feet, prim poplar dvtld, burnt wood bedding box w/orig red stain having floral pattern - 36”l, Ohio cherry lift lid, two Ohio Sheraton cherry types, Ohio poplar dvtld on turned ft w/interior lidded till, youth sz dvtld lidded 27”l, walnut 36”l); sm pine tool chest w/interior tray, 34”l; country poplar wash stand; Ohio cherry wash stand w/dvtld dwr above 2 doors & shaped skirt; unus Ohio cherry Empire low 2 dwr chest, 42”l; Ohio spindle back mammy bench w/orig cradle board, ca 1840 – 60”l; nice 73”l high back bench; misc tables; walnut Sheraton 1 dwr stand; Ohio Sheraton cherry 2 dwr drop leaf night stand; spindle baby crib; sm Sheraton style 1 dwr work table; cherry spindle bed; asstd benches; children’s rockers; asstd rockers & chairs; asstd stands; fiddle back ladies rocker w/orig paint & décor; twig art stand w/log cabin; hng crnr cpbd in salmon paint; child’s stepbk cpbd w/gls doors; Ohio walnut 3 dwr chest; lift lid commode w/dwr & door in old brown paint; maple RR station bench – 7’l; SPOOL CABINETS: fine walnut 6 dwr J&P Coats spool cabinet w/orig decals on ends & back; Milward’s walnut 3 dwr spool/needle cabinet w/orig red cut to clear glass dwr panels; walnut J&P Coats 2 dwr spool cabinet; oak 2 dwr spool cabinet; walnut 2 dwr needle box; COLL OF MAGNIFICENT OLD TEAKWOOD ORIENTAL FURNITURE to incld beautiful 8’ oval banquet dining table w/8 chairs (6 side, 2 arm) having overall MOP inlay; lg low dining table w/carved serpents – 60”l, 35”w, 14”h; 3 various servers w/raised panel dwrs & doors – approx. 38”w; outstanding Pagoda style eterge w/carved dragon panel doors, shelves & filigree carvings – 53”w, 52”h; magnificent 4 section folding screen w/outstanding overall carvings of ladies playing instruments, dragons, trees, etc – 6’h; two sets of 4 nesting end tables w/fretwork carvings; pr arm chairs w/carved ming trees & fretwork; tall fern stand w/carved fretwork; sm eterge w/fretwork carvings; hng curio cabinet w/gls door & pagoda shelf interior; OTHER FURNITURE to incld nice oak 2 pc Sellers type kitchen cabinet w/white enamel work top; cherry tilt top pie crust tea table w/claw & ball feet; unique copper on iron dbl hall tree w/umbrella holder; oak hall tree; early 4’ round wagon wheel dining table w/iron base; lg early bird cage in orig green paint; Vict oval walnut white mt parlor stand; Mission oak arm chair; oak & pine book shelf; Mission oak library desk/table w/book shelf ends; White & Co oak treadle sewing machine; oak wash stand; oak 2 door tall chest w/2 dwrs; round oak ped base dining table w/lg claw feet; cedar chest; pine mirrored hall tree; 1930’s enamel top kitchen table; oak fern ped; sm cast iron bench; sq oak parlor stand; ca 1900 oak high back dbl bed; handmade country mirrored ladies dressing stand; Vict walnut slant lid desk w/spindle gallery & end, ca 1860; Chipp style fireside wingback settee & chair (not matching); Arhaus Furniture Co Shaker style cherry 5 dwr tall chest w/side door; Arhaus console/sofa table w/dwr; David T. Smith handmade furniture (curly maple Q.A. table w/duck feet, 8’6”l, 38”w, 29”h, set 4 bow back Windsor chairs in red surface, 2 arm & 2 side); set 8 N.E. bow back black finish chairs (4 arm & 4 side) sgnd D.R. Dimes; contemp tall lift lid jewelry chest w/8 dwrs; plus more; STONEWARE COLLECTION: 35 pcs BLUE DECORATED STONEWARE to incld 3 gal ovoid jug w/freehand décor “Stanton & Balmert, Portsmouth O”; 2 gal jug w/freehand décor “B Graham Co”; 3 gal jug w/freehand décor; 2 gal jar w/freehand décor “Williams & Reppert, Greensboro PA”; 2 gal jar “R J Smith Grocer, Wheeling WVA”; 1 gal jar w/freehand décor “J T Hodgens General Merchandise, Portland Station Ohio” - hairline; ½ gal jug “James Hamilton, Greensboro, PA”; ½ gal jug “C F Wagner, Dealer, West Side, Wheeling WVA”; qt jar “J E Morris Dealer in Groceries, Wheeling W”; 2 gal jar w/freehand décor “Williams and Reppert, Greensboro, PA”; 1 gal canning jar “J P Coe + C Flower, Porterfield, O”; 1 ½ gal ovoid jar w/blue lines “R T Williams, New Geneva, PA”; 1 gal jar “Conner + Snedeker, E Wheeling WVA”; 1 gal jug “Shaffer & Driehorst, Wine & Liquor, Wheeling WVA”; 2 gal jar w/freehand décor “Jas. Hamilton + Co, Greensboro, PA”; 1 gal jar “Williams + Reppert, Greensboro PA” – cracked; ½ gal jug “J Low, Steubenville, O”; ½ gal jug “J&G Butler”; 6 gal hndld jar; 1 gal jug w/freehand flower; 4 gal hndld jar w/freehand tulips – as is; 2 gal jar w/freehand flower; 5 gal hndld jar w/freehand tornados & flowers; 1 gal jug w/freehand wreath; ½ gal jar w/freehand leaves, as is; 3 gal hndld jar w/freehand tornados; 1 gal hndld shallow jar w/freehand décor; cuspidor w/overall freehand décor – as is; 3 gal ovoid jug w/lg freehand tulip; 3 gal jug w/freehand décor; 3 gal hndld ovoid jar w/freehand décor, incised “T H Merrill” – as is; 2 gal jar w/freehand tornados; 4 gal hndld short jar w/freehand tornados – as is; 2 gal ovoid jar w/freehand décor; 2 gal tall ovoid flare top hndld jar w/freehand tulips & sgnd JDH, 1860” – as is; 1 gal hndld jar w/freehand tulips – as is; blue & white stoneware pcs incld salt & butter jars; milk pitchers; bowls; B&W spongeware pcs incld pitchers & bowls; 10 stoneware cider pitchers in various colors (B/W, green, brown); 2 early Burley Winter stoneware vases; other stoneware jugs/jars; 6 stoneware crocks & jugs w/blue numbers (4-12 gal); fine COLL OF 20 OLD SEWER TILE pcs incld rare 11” seated squirrel eating nut, 9” sitting pig bank,10” stump vase, 9” seated squirrel, novelty 9” monkey riding donkey, 7” frog, seated Spaniel, Cambridge OH Hardware brick trough 8”, 8” lying dog on block doorstop, 11” lying lamb, 7” perched owl cigar tray, 5” squatting monkey, 5” lying lion paper wt, 4” Scotty dog ash tray, 4” D&B boot, 3” seated pig, 3” monkey ashtray, 4” Logan OH ashtray, 9” stump lamp base, 5” Scotty dog head; 18 early BOTTLES, FLASKS, CANNING JARS incld bitters, etc; milk bottles; EARLY SMALLS & COLLECTIBLES: early sampler by Mary Catharine Shumaker dtd Dec 11, 1839 with verse, alphabet; 3 early red/white samplers; fine early country Fed mirror w/orig rev paint tablet of girl flying kite; Singer Featherweight sewing machine in orig case; sm walnut hng sng door cpbd; prim carrier in old green paint; other early primitive pcs; asstd early country kitchen items; lighting; utensils; choppers; wdn butter paddles; potato mashers; early treenware (egg cup caddy); sev Faigley carved bxs/pcs; cutting boards; kraut/slaw cutters; KY bluegrass stripper; brass & iron dippers/ladles; cast brass jelly kettle; wash boards; wall bxs; early baskets; old books incld Lincoln related, history, Civil War, cooking, Robt E Lee, etc; Christmas/seasonal related items; early wdn case 1920’s Radiograph radio w/gls tubes; 1920’s wdn case radio; early forged iron handcuffs w/key; asstd graniteware; lg copper apple butter kettle; brass jelly kettle; Tammany cast iron mechanical bank; early Sandusky Tool Co plow plane; wdn bowls; 8 cast iron doorstops incld Little Red Riding Hood sgnd Nuydea 860; 2 strings brass sleigh bells; Flexible Flyer wdn sled w/orig label; cast iron dog banks; 8 bronze statues (Winchester man w/rifle on horse, Remmington copy Cheyenne Indian on horse, cowboy on rearing horse, End of Trail Indian on horse, F Remmington copy bronze Wicked Pony, man on horse, Lincoln on bench, Remm copy Mountain Man); pr bronze/gilt Lincoln bookends; lg painted bust of Abe Lincoln; other statues; early military copper/bronze bugle; lg copper pig weather vane; running horse weather vane w/directionals; Handlan St Louis RR switch lantern; 3 tin candle molds; glass barrel shaped churn; 1950’s Schwinn boy’s bicycle; early handmade metal 4 lite wall sconce; lg 8 day T&S wall regulator; sm S Thomas steeple clock; early string buck saw; butcher & other type knives; folk art carved walnut wall shelf w/eagle; 6 sgnd baseballs incld Jeff Russell, Jose Guzman, etc; ADVERTISING ITEMS: 14 advertising Pot And Pan scrapers (enam on metal); tin adv De Laval collection (cream separator match hldr in orig bx in mint cond, 8x12” sign, round wall broom holder, 2 Holstein cows w/calves, rare watch fob, brass clamp bill holder); coll 40 mina stoneware advertising jugs from 3-4” w/fine examples to incld S Crocker Co Cinc Oh; (3) Old Continental Whiskey; S Thompson Whiskey W Brownsville Pa; (2) Cambridge Springs PA; Kaufmann & Baer, Hillsboro OH; Old Blue House Louisville Ky; Chas F Smith; (2) Jones Bros & Co Louisville Ky; (2) Hoffman House, Cinc Oh; O L Gregory Vinegar Co Paducah Ky; NY Pottery Co NYC; J T Doores & Co, Bowling Green KY; City Wine Store, Montpelier VT; baseball & football styles; Old Rye; Chas Immoor NYC; T J Garity, Parkersburg WV; F Whittman; Ed Hettinger’s Lancaster Oh; Interurban Tavern, Cols Oh; T E Aubrey; Ward & Ward, Cols Oh; Seyferts Private Stock, Circleville Oh; Green Mill Whiskey, Chillicothe Oh; Kraus & Co, Wheeling WV; (9) Detrick Distilling Co Dayton Oh; over 30 advertising whiskey jugs to incld 13 KT&K East Liverpool Ohio & 12 stoneware (Heather Dew Whiskey Glasgow Scotland, Happy Days Whiskey, )2) Klein Brothers Cinc Oh, (7) Meredith’s Diamond Club E Liverpool Oh, Pennsylvania Club Whiskey, White Lily Rye, Old Maryland Whiskey, St Louis MO, Wharper Whiskey, Nelson Co KY, Salzman & Siegelman, Brooklyn NY, Hayner Lock Box Dayton OH, Down on the Farm, Shadyside Oh); plus other jugs; 37 electric wall advertising clocks to incld Iroquois Beer & Ale; Leinenkugels Beer; Biltmore Dairy; Burger Beer; Velvet Ice Cream; Marlboro & Parliament; Duquesne Pilsner Beer; sev soda types (Pepsi, Diet Rite, Hire’s Rootbeer, Dr Pepper, Orange Crush, Suncrest, Gem, 7Up, plus others); Kodak Film; plus more; 5 adv thermometers (Nu Grape Soda, Strohl’s Beer, Labatt Beer, Sterling Salt, Warm Morning Home Theater); lg tin 7UP sign; Sharples Separator Co adv pins & other items; sev metal Chauffeur badges; other badges incld fire dept, badges, etc; coll adv & other type bottle openers incld bottle shaped types (Coke, Schlitz beer, etc); QUILTS/COVERLETS: 9 quilts, ca 1890-1930; 6 coverlets: early red/blue/white coverlet w/grapes & leaves ca 1850’s; red/white/blue tulips, stars & medallions sgnd Jacob Snyder Stark Co Ohio 1850; early blue/white woven w/star & floral medallions dtd 1870; red/blue/white pine tree, snowflake & block, ca 1830; early red/blue/green/white; early red/white/blue vining grapes/leaves; TOYS & CHILDREN’S: misc dolls; mina ice cream table/chairs; owl Kachina doll sgnd T. Parkett; Wolfman doll; Steiff animals (Scotty dog & sm seated Cocky dog); 6 Ohio Art tea sets in orig bxs; ORIENTAL RUGS incld 3 handmade in India rugs (11’4” x 8’, 12x8’ & 5x7’); 6 antique hooked rugs: 8 sm hand woven Indian rugs/mats; ARTWORK: rare orig oil on canvas of young boy in hat, ca 1900 - sgnd K. Kappes (worked at art dept at Weller pottery) – 14x19; framed painting Diane Swartz “God Bless America, 1901”; landscape painting on artist board sgnd Hamkesell; frmd paper Putnam adv horseshoe nails; Pabst Brewing Co 1895 adv print; ca 1900 frmd print The Lost Playmate; Mary E Doyle 1937 floral watercolor; W. Nutting print; 2 frmd silk portraits w/US flags, ca 1900; lg gilt frmd portrait of baby in rocker; Bessie Pease Gutmann print; Bachelor’s Hall fox hunt print; ca 1850 European town print; Cleveland Park print 1859; 2 Leslie Cope oils on artist board (Evening After Rain, Berlin Ohio 1990, Summer Eve at Rockport 1993); A Tomke Italian watercolor; O/C boy playing violin; lg O/C landscape sgnd Lekruix; Tropical Exotic Fruit print ca 1900; Mary Haggart sgnd painting of horses; O/C winter farm scene sgnd T Latessa 1973; Thomas Kincade library Ed 50th Anniv town scene; Vict skating scene print sgnd Hy Sandham; Cate Mondigo winter print; 1993 L Cope painting An Old World Farm Scene, England; Genevieve Wilhelm print; plus other artwork; 2 Howard Chandler Christy prints; needlepoint of kittens; L Cope 2nd Ed print “What Do You Want”; John Elder print “Robt E Lee”; lg framed Vict Valentine of sailboat w/children; 4 orig framed C&I kitten lithos; James Monroe land grant dtd May 17 1819; 3 gilt oval frmd family group photos (Washington, Lincoln & Grant); JEWELRY to incld. many turquoise/silver pcs (cuff bracelets, other bracelets, sev necklaces, rings, belt, earrings, etc); cuff links; tie clips; costume jewelry; loose stones; etc; misc COINS incld silver: 2 Morgans - 1882 (worn),1884 (exc cond); 3 Peace silver dollars (1922, 1923, 1925); 39 silver halves (Walking Liberty, Franklin, Kennedy); 17 silver dimes; 1 Troy Oz 999 silver bar; 9 copper Zanesville Ohio Zanes Trace medallions incld sev Y Bridge; STERLING (2 pr candle holders, cream/sugar w/tray); 12 Indian baskets; several box lots; 80 LONGABERGER baskets (many w/liners & protectors); UPSTAIRS RING: household, furniture, box lots, plus much more!
LANCASTER MOTELS: Hampton Inn, 740/654.2999; Baymont Inn, 740/654.5111; Holiday Inn Express, 740/654.4445.
TERMS: CASH, CHECK, VISA/MC (All checks unknown to our firm will require a bank letter or prior to sale day clearance with us. 15% Buyer’s Fee (5% discounted for cash or check). ABSENTEE & PHONE BIDS accepted w/”AS IS, NO RETURN” policy. Absentee bids MUST BE SUBMITTED by 4pm the day prior to auction day. All items will be shipped by the UPS Store & shipping charges are the buyer’s responsibility.
PHONE 740/536-9220 or EMAIL [email protected]
JANUARY 29 & 30, 2025 (Weds & Thurs) TIME: 9:00am Each Day
Preview: Tues, Jan 28 from 1-4pm
Over 3,000 items from several private collections will be sold at the Mike Clum Inc Auction Gallery located at 7795 US Hwy 22, Rushville, OH 43150.
WEDS. SESSION: Over 250 PCS ART POTTERY - Weller, Roseville, Hull Art, Rookwood & Watt to partially incld rare Roseville Azta jard & ped in rare Wedgewood blue, ca 1904 (jard as is); pr Roseville black Burmese RV bookends; 125 ROSEVILLE POTTERY pcs (Apple Blossom, Bittersweet, Bleeding Heart, Bushberry, Carnelian, Clemana, Clematis, Columbine, Cosmos, Dalrose, Dawn, Florentine, Foxglove, Freesia, Gardenia, Iris, Ixia, Jonquil, Magnolia, Moss, Peony, Poppy, Rozane, Snowberry, Teasel, Tuscany, Water Lily, White Rose, Woodrose, Zephyr Lily); 37 WELLER POTTERY pcs (brown glaze, Claywood, Dalrose, Dickensware, Florara, Hanging rose, Hudson, Louwelsa, Malverne, Pumila, Roma, Warwick, Wild Rose, Woodcraft, Woodrose); 74 HULL ART POTTERY pcs (Bowknot, Dbl Rose, Hull Serenade, Iris, Magnolia; Parchment & Pine, Tokay, Tulip, Tuscany, Water lily, Wild flower, Woodland) - DETAILED LIST AVAILABLE ON OUR WEBSITE; pink/green mottled umbrella jar 24”; lg floor vase w/grapevine 17”; aqua Ransbottom floor vase/ewer 21”; 13” Rookwood lamp base vase 1950; collection 33 mottled glaze pottery pig banks in many colors & forms w/rare examples; 14 pcs Watt Pottery incld (12 pitchers incld #62 rooster & 2 mugs); COOKIE JARS: Regal cat w/gold trim; Amer Bisque Fred w/Dino lid; McCoy teepee; 2 Regal LRRH w/poinsettia décor; RRP Dutch boy; McCoy Indian; Brush LRRH; Great Northern Dutch girl & boy; plus more; 11 pcs Nicodemus pottery (lg robin, sm yellow bird, pin dish, 8 flat ornaments); GLASS & CHINA: FENTON GLASS COLL. to incld over 200 pcs satin custard glass in many various patterns incld 70 pcs w/Coralene floral decoration - all artist signed (2 elec lamps w/shades, vases, bells, pitchers, candy dishes, 2 pc hurricane hndld candle lamp, baskets, fairy lamps, etc) & 130 pcs of plain satin custard glass (3 elec lamps w/shades, baskets, fruit & flower bowls, vases, covd candy dishes, fairy lamps, bells, compotes, rose bowls, etc); 14 pcs Sea Mist green w/8 pcs floral décor/artist sgnd (baskets, fairy lamps, bells, ewers, etc); 28 other Fenton pcs in various colors & forms (water pitchers, baskets, vases, cran/opal syrups, etc); many milk gls hob pcs; lavender/opaque elec lamp w/roses; ART & COLORED GLS: blue/opal swirl water pitcher; 6” cased rainbow vase; 6 Phoenix floral vases; blue/opal coin spot water pitcher; asstd Vict colored gls; blue apothecary jar; 6 Greentown serenade mugs (3 Nile green, 2 blue, green); Klondike sq covd butter; 12 Mary Gregory pcs in cran & cobalt blue incld decanters, barber bottle, vases, lidded candy dish; OTHER GLASSWARE: Over 200 pcs EAPG in various patterns & forms to partially incld 4 Classic covd pcs (2 compotes, covd butter & sugar); colored & clear tumblers/mugs; clear goblets; flint tumblers; 3 flint Lyre covd butters; other flint gls incld covd pcs; 4 ruby stain Nail pcs; 13 other ruby stain pcs; sev water pitchers; covd & open compotes; cake stands; table pcs; 8 syrups; sev cruets; lg coll of 70 old colored & clear gls car vases (carnival gls, blue, green, clear, etc); ruby gls coll in various patterns/forms; 11 store jars incld peanut, candy, etc; 19 Northwood Custard pcs (3 maple leaf pcs incld covd butter, Louis XV pcs incld covd butter, covd sugar, creamer, spooner, chrys sprig pcs incld covd sugar, creamer, spooner, cruet w/stopper, etc); 7 amber stain pcs incld hobnail; coll 41 colored & art gls perfume/cologne bottles; 79 pcs old Jadite gls (coffee mugs, egg cups, plates, bowls, hndld soups, many Fire king pcs, etc); 70 pcs Fostoria Amer gls in many forms; candlewick pcs; old Anchor Hocking Fire King gls; elegant glass to incld 19 pr candle sticks; fruit/console bowls; contemp gls; 30 lg blown glass flowers in asstd colors & forms; 2 Erickson ashtrays; 7 pc deep cranbry w/silver resist overlay wine set w/courting scene; 86 pcs Carnival glass to incld Dugan peach opal flowers & frames bowl; Northwood wreath of cherries ftd ameth bowl; lg marigold peacock at urn bowl; 3 lg ameth pulled vases; mari ftd butterfly & berry fruit bowl; mari cuspidor vase; other Northwd Fenton pcs; sm ftd mari swimming fish dish; other peacock & fruit pcs; jelly compotes; hndld dishes; plus much more in asstd colors (mari, green, ameth, blue); 8 sets of dk Carnival gls 7 pc water sets by Imperial & Westmoreland; CHINA & PORCELAIN: 2 Bavarian drsr sets; 125 pcs tealeaf incld serving pcs (covd tureens, butters, pitchers, teapots, platters, cups, plates, etc); 20 pcs FLOW BLUE incld early 5 pc Hong Kong tea set, plates, tureens, etc; COLL of contemp to old oriental china chargers, serving pcs, vases, etc; coll Regal China (6 lg & 6 med sz lidded barrel canisters “Chips, Popcorn, Pretzels, Tidbit, Peanuts, Sugar, Cereal, Flour, etc”, 2 lamb S&P, 7 barrel spice jars, 2 hen & rooster cream/sugar, plus other pcs); 3 Staffordshire trinket bxs; coll 48 Goebel birds; 7 pc hp ftd Germany punchbowl set; 2 RSP 13 pc choc sets; 13 pc RSG choc set; 9 pc Bav hp grapes/leaves fruit juice set; sev deep RSP molded floral fruit bowls; other RSP pcs; over 20 Nippon pcs incld lg hndld vases, sailboat scene pitcher, 2 lidded scenic humidors, 9” Moriaga hndld urn, lg hp floral 12” choc pot, hp nautical pcs, 10” shepherd scenic plate, etc; Fraunfelter oval covd casserole; 9” ftd fruit bowl sgnd Pickard Limoges; 8” Belleek owl figural vase; 4 Ger hp cracker jars; 21 pc Gaudy ironstone tea set w/oriental scene; 99 pc Blue Willow dinnerware w/serv pcs; over 90 LAMPS to incld oil & electric types to partially incld Vict 3 part banquet type w/woman; pr cherub candelabra; GWTW’s; banquet types; table types; etc.
THURS. SESSION: EARLY & COUNTRY FURNITURE: Ohio cherry crnr cpbd w/16 pane (8&8) upper doors, 1dwr, 2 lower blind doors, & nicely shaped apron, ca 1830 – 81”h; Ohio Sheraton cherry 7 dwr bonnet chest, ca 1830; nice Ohio walnut dry sink w/well above 2 dwrs, above 2 doors, ca 1840; sm Ohio 2 pc cherry secretary w/gls upper doors, slant lid base concealing cubby holes & hinged lift lid interior; 2 dwr walnut Ohio Sheraton night stand; Ohio Hepp cherry 1 dwr farm table w/lift off 3 board top – 45”l, 34”w, 29”h; poplar Ohio Sheraton 1 dwr farm table; pr Ohio Sheraton cherry 2 part banquet tables, ca 1830 – 78”l, 43”w, 29”h; Ohio walnut 2 pc stepbk cpbd w/16 pane upper doors (8&8), pie shelf, bracket ft base w/2 blind doors, ca 1825 – 87”h; Ohio pine lift lid commode w/dvtld side dwr above 2 lower paneled doors, & half columns; early 8’ Ohio Sheraton tall work table w/2 board top, ca 1840 – 29”w, 34”h; set 6 Ohio half arrow back chairs in old dry surface from Wayne Co Ohio, Kilbuck area; several early blanket chests (Ohio dvtld w/turned feet, prim poplar dvtld, burnt wood bedding box w/orig red stain having floral pattern - 36”l, Ohio cherry lift lid, two Ohio Sheraton cherry types, Ohio poplar dvtld on turned ft w/interior lidded till, youth sz dvtld lidded 27”l, walnut 36”l); sm pine tool chest w/interior tray, 34”l; country poplar wash stand; Ohio cherry wash stand w/dvtld dwr above 2 doors & shaped skirt; unus Ohio cherry Empire low 2 dwr chest, 42”l; Ohio spindle back mammy bench w/orig cradle board, ca 1840 – 60”l; nice 73”l high back bench; misc tables; walnut Sheraton 1 dwr stand; Ohio Sheraton cherry 2 dwr drop leaf night stand; spindle baby crib; sm Sheraton style 1 dwr work table; cherry spindle bed; asstd benches; children’s rockers; asstd rockers & chairs; asstd stands; fiddle back ladies rocker w/orig paint & décor; twig art stand w/log cabin; hng crnr cpbd in salmon paint; child’s stepbk cpbd w/gls doors; Ohio walnut 3 dwr chest; lift lid commode w/dwr & door in old brown paint; maple RR station bench – 7’l; SPOOL CABINETS: fine walnut 6 dwr J&P Coats spool cabinet w/orig decals on ends & back; Milward’s walnut 3 dwr spool/needle cabinet w/orig red cut to clear glass dwr panels; walnut J&P Coats 2 dwr spool cabinet; oak 2 dwr spool cabinet; walnut 2 dwr needle box; COLL OF MAGNIFICENT OLD TEAKWOOD ORIENTAL FURNITURE to incld beautiful 8’ oval banquet dining table w/8 chairs (6 side, 2 arm) having overall MOP inlay; lg low dining table w/carved serpents – 60”l, 35”w, 14”h; 3 various servers w/raised panel dwrs & doors – approx. 38”w; outstanding Pagoda style eterge w/carved dragon panel doors, shelves & filigree carvings – 53”w, 52”h; magnificent 4 section folding screen w/outstanding overall carvings of ladies playing instruments, dragons, trees, etc – 6’h; two sets of 4 nesting end tables w/fretwork carvings; pr arm chairs w/carved ming trees & fretwork; tall fern stand w/carved fretwork; sm eterge w/fretwork carvings; hng curio cabinet w/gls door & pagoda shelf interior; OTHER FURNITURE to incld nice oak 2 pc Sellers type kitchen cabinet w/white enamel work top; cherry tilt top pie crust tea table w/claw & ball feet; unique copper on iron dbl hall tree w/umbrella holder; oak hall tree; early 4’ round wagon wheel dining table w/iron base; lg early bird cage in orig green paint; Vict oval walnut white mt parlor stand; Mission oak arm chair; oak & pine book shelf; Mission oak library desk/table w/book shelf ends; White & Co oak treadle sewing machine; oak wash stand; oak 2 door tall chest w/2 dwrs; round oak ped base dining table w/lg claw feet; cedar chest; pine mirrored hall tree; 1930’s enamel top kitchen table; oak fern ped; sm cast iron bench; sq oak parlor stand; ca 1900 oak high back dbl bed; handmade country mirrored ladies dressing stand; Vict walnut slant lid desk w/spindle gallery & end, ca 1860; Chipp style fireside wingback settee & chair (not matching); Arhaus Furniture Co Shaker style cherry 5 dwr tall chest w/side door; Arhaus console/sofa table w/dwr; David T. Smith handmade furniture (curly maple Q.A. table w/duck feet, 8’6”l, 38”w, 29”h, set 4 bow back Windsor chairs in red surface, 2 arm & 2 side); set 8 N.E. bow back black finish chairs (4 arm & 4 side) sgnd D.R. Dimes; contemp tall lift lid jewelry chest w/8 dwrs; plus more; STONEWARE COLLECTION: 35 pcs BLUE DECORATED STONEWARE to incld 3 gal ovoid jug w/freehand décor “Stanton & Balmert, Portsmouth O”; 2 gal jug w/freehand décor “B Graham Co”; 3 gal jug w/freehand décor; 2 gal jar w/freehand décor “Williams & Reppert, Greensboro PA”; 2 gal jar “R J Smith Grocer, Wheeling WVA”; 1 gal jar w/freehand décor “J T Hodgens General Merchandise, Portland Station Ohio” - hairline; ½ gal jug “James Hamilton, Greensboro, PA”; ½ gal jug “C F Wagner, Dealer, West Side, Wheeling WVA”; qt jar “J E Morris Dealer in Groceries, Wheeling W”; 2 gal jar w/freehand décor “Williams and Reppert, Greensboro, PA”; 1 gal canning jar “J P Coe + C Flower, Porterfield, O”; 1 ½ gal ovoid jar w/blue lines “R T Williams, New Geneva, PA”; 1 gal jar “Conner + Snedeker, E Wheeling WVA”; 1 gal jug “Shaffer & Driehorst, Wine & Liquor, Wheeling WVA”; 2 gal jar w/freehand décor “Jas. Hamilton + Co, Greensboro, PA”; 1 gal jar “Williams + Reppert, Greensboro PA” – cracked; ½ gal jug “J Low, Steubenville, O”; ½ gal jug “J&G Butler”; 6 gal hndld jar; 1 gal jug w/freehand flower; 4 gal hndld jar w/freehand tulips – as is; 2 gal jar w/freehand flower; 5 gal hndld jar w/freehand tornados & flowers; 1 gal jug w/freehand wreath; ½ gal jar w/freehand leaves, as is; 3 gal hndld jar w/freehand tornados; 1 gal hndld shallow jar w/freehand décor; cuspidor w/overall freehand décor – as is; 3 gal ovoid jug w/lg freehand tulip; 3 gal jug w/freehand décor; 3 gal hndld ovoid jar w/freehand décor, incised “T H Merrill” – as is; 2 gal jar w/freehand tornados; 4 gal hndld short jar w/freehand tornados – as is; 2 gal ovoid jar w/freehand décor; 2 gal tall ovoid flare top hndld jar w/freehand tulips & sgnd JDH, 1860” – as is; 1 gal hndld jar w/freehand tulips – as is; blue & white stoneware pcs incld salt & butter jars; milk pitchers; bowls; B&W spongeware pcs incld pitchers & bowls; 10 stoneware cider pitchers in various colors (B/W, green, brown); 2 early Burley Winter stoneware vases; other stoneware jugs/jars; 6 stoneware crocks & jugs w/blue numbers (4-12 gal); fine COLL OF 20 OLD SEWER TILE pcs incld rare 11” seated squirrel eating nut, 9” sitting pig bank,10” stump vase, 9” seated squirrel, novelty 9” monkey riding donkey, 7” frog, seated Spaniel, Cambridge OH Hardware brick trough 8”, 8” lying dog on block doorstop, 11” lying lamb, 7” perched owl cigar tray, 5” squatting monkey, 5” lying lion paper wt, 4” Scotty dog ash tray, 4” D&B boot, 3” seated pig, 3” monkey ashtray, 4” Logan OH ashtray, 9” stump lamp base, 5” Scotty dog head; 18 early BOTTLES, FLASKS, CANNING JARS incld bitters, etc; milk bottles; EARLY SMALLS & COLLECTIBLES: early sampler by Mary Catharine Shumaker dtd Dec 11, 1839 with verse, alphabet; 3 early red/white samplers; fine early country Fed mirror w/orig rev paint tablet of girl flying kite; Singer Featherweight sewing machine in orig case; sm walnut hng sng door cpbd; prim carrier in old green paint; other early primitive pcs; asstd early country kitchen items; lighting; utensils; choppers; wdn butter paddles; potato mashers; early treenware (egg cup caddy); sev Faigley carved bxs/pcs; cutting boards; kraut/slaw cutters; KY bluegrass stripper; brass & iron dippers/ladles; cast brass jelly kettle; wash boards; wall bxs; early baskets; old books incld Lincoln related, history, Civil War, cooking, Robt E Lee, etc; Christmas/seasonal related items; early wdn case 1920’s Radiograph radio w/gls tubes; 1920’s wdn case radio; early forged iron handcuffs w/key; asstd graniteware; lg copper apple butter kettle; brass jelly kettle; Tammany cast iron mechanical bank; early Sandusky Tool Co plow plane; wdn bowls; 8 cast iron doorstops incld Little Red Riding Hood sgnd Nuydea 860; 2 strings brass sleigh bells; Flexible Flyer wdn sled w/orig label; cast iron dog banks; 8 bronze statues (Winchester man w/rifle on horse, Remmington copy Cheyenne Indian on horse, cowboy on rearing horse, End of Trail Indian on horse, F Remmington copy bronze Wicked Pony, man on horse, Lincoln on bench, Remm copy Mountain Man); pr bronze/gilt Lincoln bookends; lg painted bust of Abe Lincoln; other statues; early military copper/bronze bugle; lg copper pig weather vane; running horse weather vane w/directionals; Handlan St Louis RR switch lantern; 3 tin candle molds; glass barrel shaped churn; 1950’s Schwinn boy’s bicycle; early handmade metal 4 lite wall sconce; lg 8 day T&S wall regulator; sm S Thomas steeple clock; early string buck saw; butcher & other type knives; folk art carved walnut wall shelf w/eagle; 6 sgnd baseballs incld Jeff Russell, Jose Guzman, etc; ADVERTISING ITEMS: 14 advertising Pot And Pan scrapers (enam on metal); tin adv De Laval collection (cream separator match hldr in orig bx in mint cond, 8x12” sign, round wall broom holder, 2 Holstein cows w/calves, rare watch fob, brass clamp bill holder); coll 40 mina stoneware advertising jugs from 3-4” w/fine examples to incld S Crocker Co Cinc Oh; (3) Old Continental Whiskey; S Thompson Whiskey W Brownsville Pa; (2) Cambridge Springs PA; Kaufmann & Baer, Hillsboro OH; Old Blue House Louisville Ky; Chas F Smith; (2) Jones Bros & Co Louisville Ky; (2) Hoffman House, Cinc Oh; O L Gregory Vinegar Co Paducah Ky; NY Pottery Co NYC; J T Doores & Co, Bowling Green KY; City Wine Store, Montpelier VT; baseball & football styles; Old Rye; Chas Immoor NYC; T J Garity, Parkersburg WV; F Whittman; Ed Hettinger’s Lancaster Oh; Interurban Tavern, Cols Oh; T E Aubrey; Ward & Ward, Cols Oh; Seyferts Private Stock, Circleville Oh; Green Mill Whiskey, Chillicothe Oh; Kraus & Co, Wheeling WV; (9) Detrick Distilling Co Dayton Oh; over 30 advertising whiskey jugs to incld 13 KT&K East Liverpool Ohio & 12 stoneware (Heather Dew Whiskey Glasgow Scotland, Happy Days Whiskey, )2) Klein Brothers Cinc Oh, (7) Meredith’s Diamond Club E Liverpool Oh, Pennsylvania Club Whiskey, White Lily Rye, Old Maryland Whiskey, St Louis MO, Wharper Whiskey, Nelson Co KY, Salzman & Siegelman, Brooklyn NY, Hayner Lock Box Dayton OH, Down on the Farm, Shadyside Oh); plus other jugs; 37 electric wall advertising clocks to incld Iroquois Beer & Ale; Leinenkugels Beer; Biltmore Dairy; Burger Beer; Velvet Ice Cream; Marlboro & Parliament; Duquesne Pilsner Beer; sev soda types (Pepsi, Diet Rite, Hire’s Rootbeer, Dr Pepper, Orange Crush, Suncrest, Gem, 7Up, plus others); Kodak Film; plus more; 5 adv thermometers (Nu Grape Soda, Strohl’s Beer, Labatt Beer, Sterling Salt, Warm Morning Home Theater); lg tin 7UP sign; Sharples Separator Co adv pins & other items; sev metal Chauffeur badges; other badges incld fire dept, badges, etc; coll adv & other type bottle openers incld bottle shaped types (Coke, Schlitz beer, etc); QUILTS/COVERLETS: 9 quilts, ca 1890-1930; 6 coverlets: early red/blue/white coverlet w/grapes & leaves ca 1850’s; red/white/blue tulips, stars & medallions sgnd Jacob Snyder Stark Co Ohio 1850; early blue/white woven w/star & floral medallions dtd 1870; red/blue/white pine tree, snowflake & block, ca 1830; early red/blue/green/white; early red/white/blue vining grapes/leaves; TOYS & CHILDREN’S: misc dolls; mina ice cream table/chairs; owl Kachina doll sgnd T. Parkett; Wolfman doll; Steiff animals (Scotty dog & sm seated Cocky dog); 6 Ohio Art tea sets in orig bxs; ORIENTAL RUGS incld 3 handmade in India rugs (11’4” x 8’, 12x8’ & 5x7’); 6 antique hooked rugs: 8 sm hand woven Indian rugs/mats; ARTWORK: rare orig oil on canvas of young boy in hat, ca 1900 - sgnd K. Kappes (worked at art dept at Weller pottery) – 14x19; framed painting Diane Swartz “God Bless America, 1901”; landscape painting on artist board sgnd Hamkesell; frmd paper Putnam adv horseshoe nails; Pabst Brewing Co 1895 adv print; ca 1900 frmd print The Lost Playmate; Mary E Doyle 1937 floral watercolor; W. Nutting print; 2 frmd silk portraits w/US flags, ca 1900; lg gilt frmd portrait of baby in rocker; Bessie Pease Gutmann print; Bachelor’s Hall fox hunt print; ca 1850 European town print; Cleveland Park print 1859; 2 Leslie Cope oils on artist board (Evening After Rain, Berlin Ohio 1990, Summer Eve at Rockport 1993); A Tomke Italian watercolor; O/C boy playing violin; lg O/C landscape sgnd Lekruix; Tropical Exotic Fruit print ca 1900; Mary Haggart sgnd painting of horses; O/C winter farm scene sgnd T Latessa 1973; Thomas Kincade library Ed 50th Anniv town scene; Vict skating scene print sgnd Hy Sandham; Cate Mondigo winter print; 1993 L Cope painting An Old World Farm Scene, England; Genevieve Wilhelm print; plus other artwork; 2 Howard Chandler Christy prints; needlepoint of kittens; L Cope 2nd Ed print “What Do You Want”; John Elder print “Robt E Lee”; lg framed Vict Valentine of sailboat w/children; 4 orig framed C&I kitten lithos; James Monroe land grant dtd May 17 1819; 3 gilt oval frmd family group photos (Washington, Lincoln & Grant); JEWELRY to incld. many turquoise/silver pcs (cuff bracelets, other bracelets, sev necklaces, rings, belt, earrings, etc); cuff links; tie clips; costume jewelry; loose stones; etc; misc COINS incld silver: 2 Morgans - 1882 (worn),1884 (exc cond); 3 Peace silver dollars (1922, 1923, 1925); 39 silver halves (Walking Liberty, Franklin, Kennedy); 17 silver dimes; 1 Troy Oz 999 silver bar; 9 copper Zanesville Ohio Zanes Trace medallions incld sev Y Bridge; STERLING (2 pr candle holders, cream/sugar w/tray); 12 Indian baskets; several box lots; 80 LONGABERGER baskets (many w/liners & protectors); UPSTAIRS RING: household, furniture, box lots, plus much more!
LANCASTER MOTELS: Hampton Inn, 740/654.2999; Baymont Inn, 740/654.5111; Holiday Inn Express, 740/654.4445.
TERMS: CASH, CHECK, VISA/MC (All checks unknown to our firm will require a bank letter or prior to sale day clearance with us. 15% Buyer’s Fee (5% discounted for cash or check). ABSENTEE & PHONE BIDS accepted w/”AS IS, NO RETURN” policy. Absentee bids MUST BE SUBMITTED by 4pm the day prior to auction day. All items will be shipped by the UPS Store & shipping charges are the buyer’s responsibility.
PHONE 740/536-9220 or EMAIL [email protected]